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  • Increased Advertisement, Promotions and Public Relations

  • Calendar Listing

  • Networking 

  • Member to Member Discounts

  • Increased access to Asian and African-American markets




The Afro-Sino Chamber of Commerce holds a number of after work business networking mixers throughout the year. These gatherings allow members and guests an opportunity to meet new people, socialize, make some new business contacts, and keep abreast of local news in a relaxed atmosphere.  Chamber mixers are free for members and guests and sometimes offer complimentary hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, door prizes and an open bar. Mixers are usually hosted by a local merchant or business office in Chinatown or the surrounding area. The host is given the opportunity to address attendees and provide them with a brief overview of their products and services. It is a great public relations opportunity for a hosting company.

Sometimes mixers are done in conjunction with other Chambers to generate greater diversity in the crowd and create a greater opportunity to meet new people.


Small Business Seminars

The Afro-Sino Chamber Of Commerce holds several seminars & workshops a year. Presented in or around the Chinatown area, the Chamber's seminars and workshops offer a great way to reach local Chinatown merchants or anyone that may have an interest in doing business in Chinatown. To accommodate local merchants, Chamber seminars can be often and sometimes entirely in Chinese.  Topics may cover a wide range of subjects, such as how to start a small business, or maybe information on government services and programs available to local merchants and minority business owners, or perhaps a discussion of changes in local business ordinances, or changes to Chicago and the surrounding area that may affect the Chicago business climate.

The Chamber often partners with other organizations on a seminar. Sometimes this may be a Chamber member organization that may have services to offer to local merchants or it may be local government organizations that may have some information, programs or services that would be of interest to local merchants.


Youth Initiatives

Golf Tournament

Excursions to Asia

Membership 会籍

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